💵 Stocks Project 💵

My class and I invested $20,000 into 6 companies. Okay, so we imagined the $20,000, but I still got to experience the feeling of wondering if the stocks have gone up or down. I have never been interested in stocks before, so this project was a cool subject for me. 💰

Setting up the spreadsheet for my stocks was the very first thing we did. My class followed Mrs. Sprague, who led the process, and we typed the numbers and made the shortcuts in Google Sheets. After setting up the spreadsheet, we got to choose our companies. I chose Nike, Starbucks, The Cheesecake Factory, McDonalds, Disney, and Amazon because each one of these companies has a relation to me. I chose Starbucks and The Cheesecake Factory because my family eats there, I chose Nike and Amazon because I buy products from them, and I chose Disney because my family has visited Disney about five times before. Finally, I chose McDonalds as a random, well-known company. 🍔 🍟

I thought tracking the investment over three months was very exciting and fun. Obviously, we didn’t actually spend $20,000, so it was not a real risk. Seeing the numbers fly up at one point and spiral down made me think if I was actually investing the money, what would I do? My personal experience with this is my stocks pretty much starting off in a low point, then slowly climbing higher, and then going back down again to end the three months. It felt kind of like a mini-surprise each time I checked. 🎉

Like every project, I always try to think of the highlights from each. Whether it’s an opportunity to practice my skills (see blog below), or just enjoying it, I always find something to be grateful for. With that said, the highlights of this stocks project was learning about a new topic and having fun with it. 😁

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